HDH Shri Vrajrajkumarji Mahodayshri
Here you can find information on the founder of the Vallabh Youth Organisation, Shri Vrajrajkumarji Mahodayashri.
O My Krishna Bhajan
Here you can find the bhajans by Jeje shri some of which are new and some of which are reimangined classics, also avaiable on youtube and soptify.
VYO Activities Video
This video explains in details all the activites that are run by the VYO in India and throughout the world. This includes ways you can get involved in our charitable programs as well as what you can learn from us about pushtimarg.
Jai Ho Shrinathji
Jai Ho Shriathji Album was inspired and sung by HDH Gowswami 108 Shri Vrajrajkumarji Mahodayshri. This album has songs to praise Lord Shrinathji, return of Shri Krushna (Krishna).
Shrinathji Charitra Katha
Here you can find a collection of Shrinathji Charitra Katha by Jeje Shri which go into depth about the philosophies behind the Vaishnav way of thinking
Krishna My Love Bhajan
Here you can find the bhajans by Jeje shri some of which are new and some of which are reimangined classics, also avaiable on youtube and soptify.
Shreenathji Charitra Katha 2
Here you can find a collection of Shrinathji Charitra Katha by Jeje Shri which go into depth about the philosophies behind the Vaishnav way of thinking
Here you can find the bhajans by Jeje shri some of which are new and some of which are reimangined classics, also avaiable on youtube and soptify.